In order to tr transport (imaginary) freight in FREMO from one station to another, we need to relate a certain wagon to a certain freight. For this purpose in FREMO we use wagon cards with a little pouch to take a freight card. These cards identify the main type of the car by colour and show the necessary technical details of the car. There is a comprehensive introduction to the car operation available on the fremo homepage:
Tobias Meyer created a website where you can enter the car details online and the website responds by sending a pdf document.
Important notes:
As the script is running on a webserver, all data and picvtures provided by you are uploaded and stored temporarily on the webserver. the data is not stored permanently on the server. If you disagree even with the temporary storage, you are not permitted to use this script.
The script is generating a pdf document, which can be opened and printed e.g. with Acrobat Reader. Please have a look at the actual size of the printed wagon card, any "fit to paper size" should be turned off, it should be printed in 100% ratio.
All text needs to be filled in by the user, as it depeneds on the car you are dealing with. There is a couple of well known cars already available as a template, so you need to add only the individual details of your car.
All fields you need to fill are marked red on the left hand side of the form. You need to upload a picture or sketch of the car, these sketches can not be provided due to copyright issues.